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The North Roanoke Baptist Association Prayer Team has had a refreshing year. We prayed together for the pastors in our association. We have mailed a copy of Gregory Frizzell’s book, Biblical Patterns for Powerful Church Prayer Meetings, to every pastor in our association. We have visited and Prayer Walked nine of the churches in our association. We have done this in order to seek God’s blessing on the churches, to pray strategically, and to encourage the pastors and members. By the way, if you would like for to do a Prayer Walk at your church, please contact me at  We plan to visit every one of our churches, sooner or later.

We encourage our pastors to check out in order to connect your church and households to a prayer web, so that you might pray strategically for your community. Because we are seeking to encourage our members to pray for the spiritual welfare of their churches, community and country, please peruse this guide, 14 Ways You Can Pray for Your Church. Let us know if we  can help you or your local body in any way.

Thanks be to God for His favor, and to my fellow team members for this ministry.

In Christ’s Love.


- Rick Rogers, Team Leader

14 Ways you Can Pray for Your Church

  1. Pray that God will be glorified (1 Cor. 10:31)

  2. Pray that Jesus Christ would be the Main Thing (Col. 1:18)

  3. Pray that he Holy Spirit will convict of sin, righteousness, and judgement (John 16:8)

  4. Pray that the devil will be bound (Matt. 12:29)

  5. Pray that your pastor would preach God’s message with boldness (Eph. 6:19)

  6. Pray that hearts would be opened to God’s Word (Acts 16:14)

  7. Pray that people would repent (Rev. 2:5)

  8. Pray that Christians would be  Jesus’ witnesses (Acts 1:8)

  9. Pray that sins would be confessed (1 John 1:9)

  10. Pray that Christians would be joyful in God’s house of prayer (Is. 56:7)

  11. Pray that people would be saved (Romans 10:1)

  12. Pray that Christians would love one another (John13:35)

  13. Pray that laborers would be thrust out into the harvest (Matt. 10:2)

  14. Pray that Christians would be united  in spirit (Phil. 2:2)

     The promises in the Bible   will flow into our lives as we appropriate them through prayer. W. Graham Scoggie reminds us of the following truth: One of the greatest mistakes that a Christian can make is to imagine that increased social or spiritual activity can be any compensation for the lack of secret communion with God... The simple fact is, we must find time for prayer, or we shall perish.


     The more specifically pray, the more effectively we can pray.  Would you like to pray for our association churches and pastors?  Pray for the spiritual needs of Eastern North Carolina?   Pray for international missionaries?  Learn about NC Prayer Conferences and Resources?  Intercede for specific, urgent prayer requests from our North American or International missionaries?

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NRBA 2017 Keynote
NRBA 2017 Keynote
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NRBA 2017 Keynote

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NRBA Fall Meeting - Special Number

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