There are many things which we can do to raise our awareness of the needs of a lost world. In order to be a strong, healthy church, we must have an outward ministry focus beyond our personal needs. You have probably heard pastors say, “It’s not about me.” In the process of first caring for those who need Christ our needs are met as well. Here are a few ways in which we can Go, See, and practice Compassion for those who need Christ.
Show videos of the mission efforts you support across the state, nation, and world.
Subscribe to the Biblical Recorder Magazine to be inspired and encouraged by other churches and ministries across our state.
Promote and attend special events in other association churches that would be a blessing to your congregation. (Only inward focused churches see other congregations as competition while 50% to 70% of people in every association neighborhood are lost.)
Go to training events to equip and remind leaders of the work of making disciples.
Visit the IMB, BSCNC, Baptist Children’s Homes, etc. to see the ministries you support.
Have missionaries and ministry representatives come to your church to speak.
Tour local community ministries. See their passion and learn of ways you can help.
Request a demographic study of your community and discover needs you came fill.
Drive through your community and pray for each household.
Adopt a local school and build relationships with students, teachers, and administrators. Learn of ways you can get involved and be a positive witness for Christ.
Take time to explain the Cooperative Program and rejoice in the ways God is using you
as part of the greatest missionary effort in the world.
Attend the State Convention and experience cooperative ministry in action. A recent speaker said, “God has not called you to be a big church, but to be part of a big Kingdom.” Rejoice in being part of a great work of God that reaches beyond ourselves.
Contact the association office for assistance in any of these areas and many more.
Rev. John Hamm