InJoy enables NRBA churches to work together in ministry while connecting to the local community. Every church member can be personally involved in hands-on ministry, enjoy fellowship with members of other churches, and impact the lives of thousands of people. It also supports Deaf Opportunity OutReach, a premiere missionary organization which ministers to the deaf around the world by sharing the gospel, discipling believers, and planting churches. DOOR works closely with the SBC International Mission Board deaf ministry. Looking for a way to make a difference, this is it. For more info contact the association office or
John Hamm
I recently asked a friend how the move into his new house went. He said, “It went great and we took a ‘boat load’ of stuff to InJoy. I responded, “You might be interested in knowing that your ‘boat load’ of stuff helped InJoy give $45,000 to local Christian ministries this past month. Giving your stuff to InJoy is a bigger gift than you think.
Bill Grisham
Serving on the board of InJoy is both a privilege and a blessing in my life. Seeing the growth from the earliest years to the present day bears witness to the Goodness of God. The amount of proceeds distributed to the various ministries in our area allows unlimited opportunities for Christ to be shared with others. Many thanks to our dedicated staff and volunteers for all they do!
Sherry Leonard
In September of 2013, my wife and I had the rare opportunity to become involved in a new Christian ministry when we began volunteering at Injoy Thrift Store. We “injoyed” the work and seeing old friends as well as meeting new Christian friends. It was a blessing to work together in a Christian environment and to have everyone striving for the same goal of creating revenue to support local Christian ministries, as well as DOOR International (Deaf Opportunity OutReach). I would encourage everyone to do as the Injoy commercial on local radio suggests:
Phil Boone